Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year, New Blog

What is the goal of this blog and why am I writing it? Will anyone read it? dont know.
I am a mom to two kids, a wife and small business owner who sells on eBay. After much back and forth about a website (have one that is pretty old school and doesnt generate many if any sales, ie one or two in years of being in service) I have decided to jump in with both feet and "just do it" as they say.
So follow me as I start my website and blog and see how a mom's life interrupts those goals!
Goals for 2012 - build my business with new lines and a new website, continue to sell old inventory - - oh yes, get in shape, lose weight and work on myself - - as with all mom's "in my spare time"
Photos are Daughter, Hubbie and Son (Holidays), and myself and daughter summer 2011 Italy